SHOCKING! Men And Women Insert Things Into Slay Queen’s Private Part For Stealing From Them (Video)

I don’t know how people can be this mean to a woman especially as she didIn’t use violence. Why not just disgrace her and then hand her over to the police. Let he that has no sin be the first to cast the stone…This is the case of an alleged thief, who still remains unidentified. She was caught and stripped naked by some men and women in Edo state for breaking into the home of one of them to steal.

I have a problem with this video. Why strip her? And see the way she was being filmed nude? I found this totally wrong wrong wrong!!!…She can be disgraced and handed over to the Police without this kind of disgrace…..ah ah. Those people feeding their eyes on her boobs or even pressing it all in the name of beating have also sinned.
