20 Pictures of People Who Just Made the Dumbest Mistake of Their Lives

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These pictures of people about to make a really dumb mistake or in the midst of the worst mistake of their lives will definitely make you feel better about yourself.

That is, of course, unless you see yourself in one of these.


via: Reddit

The expression on this woman’s face says it all.

Mainly that she’s going to soon learn that an elephant isn’t, in fact, larger than the moon.


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Oh yeah, sure, this seems like a really good idea.

No way anything will go wrong!


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I can’t believe we have to say this, but please don’t call the police because you’ve lost your drugs and you need help finding them. Doesn’t go over very well.


via: Reddit

This doesn’t seem like a good idea.

There’s no end to what dumb guys will do at the gym.


via: Reddit

The placement of the front wheel right now is just ripe for disaster if the car were to fall. For that guy’s sake, and the sake of his future children, I hope it doesn’t.

The next one is INSANE.


via: Reddit

Think safety first. Then go on and do the dumb thing anyway.

The next one is super cringeworthy…


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This kid learned an important lesson about containers that day.

The next one is extra stupid…


via: Reddit

Jace must have a screw loose.

The sheer audacity of the one-word answer is hilarious.


via: Imgur

You have to be a special kind of dumb to put the ladder up against the very tree you are chopping down.


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There are so many things about this that are wrong. How could you plan to purchase a giant TV without either a car or the willingness to pay for delivery?

The next one is going to make you cringe so hard…


via: Reddit

I feel like everything in this picture is going to get destroyed. The door, the chandelier, the guy…


via: Reddit

Don’t go in to hug a donkey if you’re not already like, best friends with that donkey. Otherwise, this is what happens.


via: Imgur

“Let’s dress up as prey and go hang out with hungry lions!”

“OK! I see nothing wrong with this plan. I call front.”


via: Reddit

Let’s hope they figured this out before that guy went to jail for murder.

That would be really unfortunate.


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I don’t think the angle is right.

I don’t think those air mattresses are going to do what they think they’re going to do.

But this has nothing on the next one…


via: Reddit

This combines everything terrible about working with machinery with everything terrible they tell you about putting plastic bags on your head.


via: Reddit

Don’t ever get too close to a cat.

They will betray you.


via: Reddit

This is why you never toss your baby in the air.

It might get snatched up by a giant bird!


via: Reddit



So many questions.

via: Imgur

Unless this is a still from a “What Not to Do With Your Chainsaw” safety video, I am shook that this exists.

The next one is similarly anxiety-inducing…

via: Reddit

Is he going to make it? He might not make it.

Honestly, I can’t even look at this picture anymore. It’s giving me too much anxiety.

via: Imgur

They probably should have thought of an escape plan before they knocked down most of the deteriorating balcony. Hindsight is 20/20.

via: Imgur

If you look closely, folks, what we have here is the overconfident white man, a man who believes nothing bad can happen to him. It’s not a rare sight, but it’s quite satisfying to see.


via: Reddit

This Redditor wrote, “I did a dumb thing.”

Ya think?!


via: Imgur

“I got it, I just have to go up on the curb a little. It’s fine, just give me a sec. I’m gonna turn this, no, OK, hold on, well, now I’m in a pickle.”

The next one is too funny, but you’ll feel bad for laughing…


via: Imgur

The bright side is that kid will always know what side of the hose the water comes out of now.


via: Reddit

“Hey, Charlie, I’m gonna go take a leak.”

“Sure, Bob! I see no problem with you getting up from the position in which you’re seated.”

via: Imgur

Apparently, this is how they do powerline maintenance in Vietnam and all I have to say about that is, “No thank you.”

via: Imgur

Wait until he figures out what he’s doing wrong.

He’s going to feel so dumb.


via: Reddit

Never go up against a person with “Zoo” in their username when it comes to animal facts. You just won’t win.
