A man who found his girlfriend was cheating on him had devised a rather comical way of welcoming the cheating girlfriend at the Airport. The photo of the man, standing in the airport in Melbourne, Australia with a huge sign saying “I KNOW YOU CHEATED” was posted on Twitter last Wednesday by twitter user Krystal. He was apparently waiting for the “cheater” to come through the airport.
The twitter user posted the photo with the caption:
At Melbourne airport today he was waiting to greet his cheating partner… I AM DECEASED Is she cheating? What are the signs your girlfriend is cheating? Knowing how to tell if your girlfriend is cheating, and whether you’re with a cheating girlfriend is essential for every man because: One of the only things worse than being cheated on is not knowing if it’s happening or not. Going back and forth, accusing your partner and then accusing yourself, thinking you’ve spotted it and then thinking you’re crazy: it’s not just hurtful, it’s humiliating.
And it can feel like it’ll go on forever.
The only way to know where you stand is to know the truth. But if she doesn’t just up and tell you, how can you tell if she’s cheating?
Well… a word of warning here: trying to track down proof here can lead you into seriously ugly territory if you aren’t careful. While you want to keep a watchful eye, it’s easy to become tempted to start invading her privacy. So, keep a few very important “don’ts” in mind:
DON’T look through her phone records or read her emails.DON’T listen in on her calls.DON’T search through her browser history.DON’T try to interrogate her or her friends.
If the evidence is there, don’t ignore it, but you’ll have to let her either slip up or give her some space and look for signs she’s cheating elsewhere. To help sort through the deceptions and excuses, in this post we show you how to tell if your girlfriend is cheating, and give you 23 signs your girlfriend is cheating.
How To Tell If Your Girlfriend Is Cheating
Knowing how to tell if your girlfriend is cheating can take a bit of detective work, especially if you want to (and should)take the high moral road and avoid invading her privacy. The below signs, especially when several show up at the same time, are the best hints you’re likely to get.
However, while all of these signs make a cheating girlfriend more probable, none of them offer definitive proof.
It’s important to point out that none of these signs she’s cheating makes it a sure-fire certainty that she is actually cheating, or even looking to cheat. There are perfectly innocent reasons she might act in any one or several of the ways listed above. The best way to get at the truth is the most direct: simply ask her. She may or may not lie, but bringing your suspicions out into the open is far more likely to lead to the truth than a bunch of secretive snooping.
My Girlfriend Cheated On Me… What Now?
So, it’s no longer “is she cheating… and it’s now “my girlfriend cheated on me… now what?” First, I’m sorry. A horrible, horrible thing has happened, that you likely didn’t deserve. Here’s some quick advice: remember that time heals all wounds and that this too will pass. For more in-depth advice: check out our step-by-step guide on what to do when your girlfriend cheats on you here.
PS: I know this section makes more sense after the signs of cheating. But, I wanted to be sure you know this section is here
23 Signs Your Girlfriend Is Cheating
To be clear, none of these signs guarantee a cheating girlfriend… but if you see a lot of these happening in your relationship, it’s time to start worrying and, maybe expecting the worst.
Here are 23 signs your girlfriend is cheating:
1. She’s Talking Way Too Much To Someone
This is perhaps the most obvious sign your girlfriend is cheating of them all. Is she always chatting or texting with some new guy? Then, she’s probably cheating. However, keep in mind, it may not be all that easy to know if she’s talking to someone.
It would take a particularly brazen cheater to regularly text the other person right in front of you. It’s much more likely that the communication is not that straightforward. She may email the other person instead of texting—perhaps when you’re asleep or out doing something else—or she may talk to them only while at work. If both parties are trying to keep this secret, they probably are doing at least that bare minimum to keep you off the scent. But if your partner is that obvious about it, things are probably in a pretty bad state in your relationship.
2. She Changes The Subject When A Certain Someone Comes Up
Need some help flushing out whether she’s talking to someone new? One way to know if something is up is by gauging her reaction when a particular person comes up in conversation. Does she try to change the subject or act unnaturally disinterested or dismissive after she’s spent time with that person? Alternatively, does she gush about that
Source: Laila blog
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