10 signs you are dating a mammy water. Guys, you really should see this, No.3 will scare YOU!

Signs you are dating a mammy water: This is for all the guys who pick up random girls on the streets without knowing anything about them. Here’s how to know if you are sharing your bed with a mammy water:

You picked her up from the street or some other random place. Maybe she was even standing in front of an uncompleted building..

You don’t know her surname. She told you her name is “ Just Julie”..

She agreed to sleep with you on the very first day, in fact she moved into your house, no questions asked.

She never gets tired. She can pound yam, fry garri, grind pepper with a stone and still sleep with you when she finishes.

She always looks perfect, even first thing in the morning. No pimples, her make-up looks permanent and everything is always in the right place.

Her Brazilian hair looks natural. It really looks like her hair but maybe salons have found a way to remove natural hair and put it back later.

She never talks about her family and she doesn’t have any friends. You only hear her saying “My sea sisters” sometimes at night but you’re not bothered because girls call themselves all sorts of things.

Ever since you started sleeping with her, your life has turned upside down but of course your stepmother in the village is to blame.

She has stopped you from eating fish. Ever since she came into your life, it’s only chicken or meat, nothing that comes from the sea.

She doesn’t ask you for anything. In fact, she’s every Nigerian boyfriend’s dream. You don’t pay for human hair or internet subscriptions and she doesn’t even want iPhone.  She doesn’t care about Valentine’s Day and you don’t even know her birthday sef. She never gets jealous or goes through your phone and she couldn’t care less about your Facebook password. In fact she’s the best!

If the girl you’re with falls into all these categories, you better wake up my guy, NA FISH SHE BE!!!
