Belly fat. Eek! It’s a trouble area for many of us. Our flat and toned pre-baby belly seems so far away now. BUT NEVER FEAR you can get your abs back and blast away that belly fat. All it takes is a whole lot of determination, healthy eating and knowing which exercises are best for sculpting those obliques.
In this article (with the help of Healthy Mummy personal trainerWendy Smith) we reveal 5 of the best exercises for blasting belly fat.
5 best exercises for blasting belly fat
It’s super important to flag that you cannot ‘spot’ reduce fat. That is, you can’t assume that by just training abs you’ll see a killer six pack in no time.
Awesome weight loss results come from exercising and looking after the whole body.
However when you combine targeted training (such as the below 5 exercises) with a healthy diet plan like the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge Meal Plan and cardio (think HIIT,Tabata and Dance Fit) you’ll notice a more and more defined, less wobbly tummy.
1. Plank with ball roll
Starting Position: Start in a plank position with feet spread wide apart and arms directly underneath shoulders. Place a ball under your right hand. Keep your upper body strong and engage your core, while keeping your back straight.
Execution: Engage your core by pulling your belly button toward your spine and roll the ball over to your left, cupping the ball with your left hand and placing your right hand down onto the mat. Next, roll the ball over to your right hand again, keeping your core and lower back strong and stable as you lower your left arm to the floor and return to starting position. Repeat exercise.
2. Bicycle
Starting Position: Lie on your back with your head and neck relaxed and arms by your side. Bend your knees and lift your legs into the air. Pull knees toward your chest and lengthen your right leg. This is your starting position.
Execution: Pulling your belly button toward the floor, lift your left leg up toward your chest and lengthen your right leg. Switch sides by pulling your right leg toward your chest and lengthening your left leg. Breathe in and out throughout the movement. Continue with a ‘riding’ type motion alternating legs.
3. Roll ups
Starting Position: Lie flat on your back with palms facing downward and fingers facing forward. Place your arms overhead and your lower back firmly planted on the floor. Extend through your knees and engage your core muscles.
Execution: Inhale and gently lift your head, neck, and shoulders off the floor. Then exhale as you pull your belly button toward the floor, round through your spine and lift your arms overhead and toward your feet, slowly rolling up to a seated position. Inhale, then exhale as you roll down through each vertebra back to the floor, keeping your feet pressed into the mat.
4. Single leg raise
Starting Position: Lie on the floor on your back with arms by your side and legs lengthened. Bend your left knee and place your left foot flat on the floor, a few inches from your torso. Straighten your right leg and hold 1 inch off the floor. This is your starting position.
Execution: Exhale and slowly lift your right leg up in line with your left knee, keeping the right knee straight and left foot flat on the floor. Relaxing your head and neck on the floor, slowly return your right leg down to one inch off the floor. Perform exercise for 30 seconds and then repeat exercise on opposite leg for 30 seconds.
5. Pilates Abdominal Swing
Starting Position: Lie flat on your back with legs in table top position and place your hands underneath your thighs.
Execution: Inhale and bring your knees toward your chest. Exhale, lift your head and upper body as you roll forward slightly and lengthen your legs. Repeat exercise.
Here at The Healthy Mummy we are all about helping mums lose weight and tackle their tummy fat. Our 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge has more than 350 exercises and numerous workout videos including a Core Workout Series to help mums blast fat and see awesome results in the comfort of their own lounge rooms. No gym or equipment required.
To learn more about the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge (including the meal plans and monthly themes)click here.
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