Food is good, good food is even better but research and science has proven that too much of good food can kill especially if you are taking in large doses and consistently one of the Nigerian staples.
Eba/ Pounded yam/ Fufu – These common Nigerian solid staples are basically carbs and the only good thing about them is the fact that they are filling. They contain just instant carbohydrates but are lacking in real nutritive factors. A cup of garri contains about 360 calories, 95% of which is carbohydrates and further consumption with soup, meat and/or fish, increases the level of calories. When these foods are taken in large quantities over an extended period of time consistently, you risk having diabetes.
Fufu is equally toxic, the cassava plant has a toxic chemical called Linamarin. This chemical, even after boiling the cassava, doesn’t change its state and this could be harmful during digestion. Also, under-processing of fufu, which is rampant, has harmful implications on the health. This is because the cyanide content is not reduced to a non-toxic state.
Plantain even though a good source of carbohydrates, vitamin B6, vitamin C and proven medicative resource for peptic ulcer, contains a considerable amount of carbohydrates. When fried, it has tons of calories which are very harmful to the health especially when intake is at an all time high. Taking 100 grams of plantain is consuming about 30 grams of carbohydrates, 15 grams of sugar and 120 calories. Next time you think of consuming plaintain, tread on the side of caution.
White rice contains about 4 grams of fiber per cup, in addition, it is carb-dense and too much intake of carbohydrate-dense foods may cause one to eat little of other nutritious meals required to lead on an healthy lifestyle. Eating too much rice could adversely affect glucose metabolism in the body.
White rice is also very low in phytic acid because of the bran which is always removed during processing. Ample research has it that white rice increases the risk of getting diabetes. As an healthy alternative, brown rice is medically recommended
Do you know any other Nigerian staples with proven toxic components? Share with us in the comments
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