WONDERS SHALL NEVER END!! 4-Year-Old Boy Shocks Nigerians, Threatens His Mother With A Knife After She Beat Him [Video]
A video which shocked many Nigerians and got them talking has been making rounds on the internet. In the video, we can see the crazy moment a little kid picked up a knife to stab his mother, after she dared to spank him after he misbehaved. On sighting him approaching with the knife, the mother ran for her life. Check out the crazy video below:
See how Nigerians reacted to the video below:
Effective discipline helps children learn to control their behavior so that they act according to their ideas of what is right and wrong, not because they fear punishment. For example, they are honest because they think it is wrong to be dishonest, not because they are afraid of getting caught. The purpose of punishment is to stop a child from doing what you don’t want – and using a painful or unpleasant method to stop him.

There are basically four kinds of punishment
- physical punishment – slapping, spanking, switching, paddling, and using a belt or hair brush.
- verbal punishment – shaming, ridiculing, using cruel words, saying “I don’t love you.”
- withholding rewards – “You can’t watch TV if you don’t do your homework.”
- penalties – “You broke the window so you will have to pay for it with money from your allowance.”

The first two kinds of punishment, physical and verbal, are not considered to be effective discipline methods. The other two, withholding rewards and giving penalties, can be used either as effective discipline methods or as punishment – depending on how parents administer them. It is important to look at the way parents administer physical punishments. A swat on the bottom is a mild physical punishment. While it may do no permanent physical harm, it does not help the child develop a conscience. Instead, it teaches him that physical violence is an acceptable way of dealing with problems. Parents should avoid physical punishment. If they find themselves using it, then something is wrong and their method of discipline is not working. They may as well admit that spanking is more effective in relieving the parents’ frustration than in teaching the child self-control. More effective methods are needed. Harsh physical punishment and verbal abuse can never be justified as ways to discipline children.Parents usually spank when they are angry; a parent may not realize how hard he is striking the child. Verbal abuse hurts the child’s self concept.
Note: Since it is awkward to refer to the child as “he/she,” all references in these lessons to the child as “he” refer to both boys and girls.
Source: Zenith Naija Blog/VCE Publications
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